Friday, November 2, 2012

A non-stance

 Not imposing standards isn't immoral, because morals aren't transcendent. In fact, if everybody died tomorrow, it wouldn't be *bad* objectively. Paint things however we will, there is no objective right way. We can follow our moral compass or not. We can hurt ourselves or not. We can heal or destroy ourselves, but in the perspective of the universe, nothing is lost. To argue one way or another is an attempt at social manipulation, unconscious or not, but that is also neutral. Disorder is in the eyes of the beholder

I'm saying there isn't any point in imposing
2 hours ago · Like

Jacqueline Guerrero there is also no point in not imposing.

you think in terms of our society, but I am thinking in terms of the bigger picture. the reality exists beyond our ego-centric bubbles, be they personal, societal, national, tribal, etc. The things I say don't have to be taken one way or another, but it's very dependent on the light you take it from. That being said, it is the way that you interpret it that shows your projected values.

I wasn't speaking about intelligence. There's no significant of my words to yours. It's amusing to me how people ties things together when they have no value. I'm a psychology/pre-law(philosophy) major. I like carrots. I have a cat. It's about as relevant. 

 I'm here because sometimes I allow life to be a game to me. It's not all of the time, but I don't feel compelled to be serious 100%. Flexibility feels liberating to me. I'm not here to make a point. I'm not here to argue anything. I don't talk to impose here, I talk to observe responses. It's quite amusing and interesting to me, especially on a thread that is supposed to revolve around the idea of proper intellect, because I'm not taking a proper stance. You may say I ought to, but you know this is conditional. You've seen me argue in other posts.
xD This is me just chilling out. That's why what you two have been saying has not affected me. It's as productive as arguing with the air. But just because it has no purpose, no given destination, and yet...

"You think it's futile? Ah, but futility is a necessity. A system without futility is very vulnerable. The key in opening a new gate is futility. Just because there's no use for it, is it futile? Sometime's the existence itself is enough."
- Mia, .hack//

Arguing with the air leads to unconscious inspiration.

there are different ways of looking at things. each concept has a bubble, and there are different societies that things may apply to different, because they're at different levels along in development. I was being cryptic, but it's hard to gauge how specific I have to be for people to follow at the same time

I've really actually taken several classes on morality and ethics xD I don't feel like they don't matter. personally, I honestly agree that it'd be better for us, as a society, to not put such a price tag on education, and frankly, whether the government likes it or not, because of the internet, we're going to experience a coup d'etat by the people in terms of knowledge. we don't have to pay anymore to learn.

 I'm very well aware of those who would oppose reform. Some have laid claim that the global elite control us in ways that society is barely aware of. When I am presented with a new conundrum, I assume a stance of skepticism, as I must confirm something for myself in order to assimilate it, which is exactly what has landed me in the position I am in, so over the course of years, I have been avidly researching, as throughout my life, I have been in the pursuit of truth. What I have come to realize is that our culture is extending beyond the limits of our national border, as we become more integrated as one collective species, that though the values they have attempted to impose upon us through conditioning had taken hold and still do have hold of many people's minds in wats not quite conscious to then yet, there is mounting pressure, with its build being pushed by members of many societies, many classes, and even those in the education system they had been attempting to indoctrinate us to for the sake of keeping tabs. Essentially, we have a system that works to strip us of liberty and leave us bound to a system financially with the intention of putting us so far in debt, we sell our freedom. So few stop to question things so simple as "Why am I consciously choosing to put myself in debt for several years with interest I can't anticipate for the sake of a job I may not necessarily be hired for. Even those with degrees are becoming more enraged and lashing put against the system. At my university, teachers spoke out against the jurisdiction they were restrained by within their own lectures. Things such as memetics are leading to rapid evolution of though and increasingly, we are hearing outcries for revolution from not just the level of the personally disadvantaged, but from the level of those who exist between those in poverty, and those who are elite. They're the ones who have enough of a bird's eye view to see what is going on below Nd enough proximity to understand to at least some extent what is occurring above. The most integral aspect to the coming reform will be the product of human empathy. It is argued those at the top are frequently sociopaths. Even Hare and Zimbardo, the person who created the screening for psychopath/wrote "Snakes in Suits" and the man who ran the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment" which therefore led to the cause of the darkest ages of humanity's history, I.E. ww2 and such, and the publisher of "The Lucifer Effect" have directly acknowledged the corruption that presides above. Sec, logging in on comp lol

 I have been lining up dominoes non-linearly for years. I am waiting now. When the right moment comes, all it will take is a flick, as we approach that event horizon. I am a strategist regarding people, and I know just what needs to happen. Soon, everybody will. Do you have a plan?

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